The elephant seals, sea lions and killer whales of Sea Lion Island

One of Sea Lion Island’s most popular attraction by far are the large and formidable marine mammals. To view these spectacular creatures at close distances is truly captivating and one of the most unique wildlife encounters you will find in the Falklands.

Elephant seals

Large males arrive in early September to establish and defend their territories; weighing up to 3.5 tonnes and 14 ft in length, territorial fighting between two bulls is a truly formidable sight. The females begin to arrive soon after and by mid-October the 500 females are in the peak of pupping, and the patient observer can be rewarded by watching a full birth. Young pups are weaned in as little as three weeks, although they remain on the beaches for some weeks before taking to the sea. Elephant seals can be observed throughout the summer on Sea Lion Island.

Sea Lions

Bellowing growls herald the arrival of the large male sea lions in early December to establish and defend territories. They are soon followed by the females, and in late December the first pups are born. Sea lion encounters are typically best seen between December and February.

Killer Whales

Sea Lion Island is the only location in the Falklands were killer whale pods routinely patrol. Their frequency of visits increase when elephant seal and sea lion pups are learning to swim in the shallow rock pools, but will regularly patrol through the summer waiting for any opportunity to hunt unsuspecting adults. Only a few of the killer whales have learnt to navigate into the shallow rock pool where the elephant seals play. This behaviour has been featured in TV nature documentaries, as well as rewarding many guests that patiently wait (often in the very early hours of the morning) to witness first hand this incredible behaviour.

Book today

To book or to make further enquiries please call Micky (+00500) 32004 or email  For details of pricing, dates and other important information, click below.

Find out more

  • Tel: (500) 32004 | Email:
    Sea Lion Lodge, Sea Lion Island, Falklands Islands, South Atlantic T (500) 32004 F (500) 32003